The Sport Shooting Association Breitenbrunn
SSV Breitenbrunn is a sports club founded in 1956 and growing
Several active members have "sniffed" into the shooting sport as our guests and quickly discovered their passion for competitive shooting.
As a member of the Burgenland’s Sport Shooting State Association, we are allowed to send many successful shooters to national competitions, ÖM and ÖSTM every year.
cadre shooters are available to beginners and hobby shooters as a
stand-by service with advice and action.
The modern shooting ranges of the SSV consist of:
- six 50m lanes for small caliber long guns (2 train and 6 electronic systems)
- five 25m large and small caliber reversible targets (incl. 25m video target observation)
- one eight lanes Meyton ESTA5 compressed air shooting hall (expected to open in winter 2019)
After commissioning of the compressed air system, Sunday all year operation will be possible.
New members are constantly being admitted, but guest shooters and beginners are also welcome at an extremely fair daily rate.
Closed shooting events for companies or tourism guests are possible on request. We are happy about everyone who is interested in our sport!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at